Will you help make a difference? Many of our children are economically disadvantaged and cannot afford to pay the basic dues the organization charges. Will you commit to pay one months pay of dues? $40.
Urban Soccer Leadership Academy is committed to providing an affordable high quality year-round soccer program within the Urban communities of San Antonio. We provide not only a fun & challenging Soccer Experience, but also a Leadership Development program for individuals of all ages, abilities, and financial means. The funds raised from your generous donations allow us to continue to provide opportunities for San Antonio's youth to play soccer in a safe, supportive, and engaging environment.
USLA is a non-profit organization that relies heavily on the support of volunteers & sponsorship, therefore all donations are welcome. If you would like to make a donation, please click the link below. Your contribution is tax deductible. Thank you.
USLA is a non-profit organization that relies heavily on the support of volunteers & sponsorship, therefore all donations are welcome. If you would like to make a donation, please click the link below. Your contribution is tax deductible. Thank you.